Free Cubiks Logiks General Intermediate Practice Guide (2024)
May Gilon

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Logiks General Intermediate Test Overview

Individuals preparing to take the Cubiks Logiks General Intermediate test will have a total of 12 minutes to address 50 questions, which are divided into three sections. Each section has a specific number of questions to be answered within the same time frame:

1. Abstract Thinking: This section consists of 10 questions to be finished within 4 minutes.
2. Numerical Reasoning: There are 16 questions in this section, also to be completed in 4 minutes.
3. Verbal Reasoning: The last section includes 24 questions, which should be resolved within a 4-minute window.

The Cubiks Logiks General Intermediate test is known for its relatively straightforward question content, and the main challenge lies in completing them accurately within the allocated time frame. If you are preparing for the Cubiks Personality Test, we recommend exploring our comprehensive Cubiks PAPI guide.

Logiks Intermediate Practice Questions:

The Logiks Intermediate Numerical Reasoning segment assesses your fundamental mathematical skills, yet it is far from elementary. This portion encompasses a variety of challenges, such as number sequences, word problems, and mental arithmetic puzzles.

The difficulty lies in the need to respond swiftly in order to complete the section within its limited 4-minute timeframe. You must provide answers to 16 questions, with only 15 seconds allocated for each question. To succeed, it is crucial to hone your mental arithmetic abilities and problem-solving techniques.

As an illustration, let's consider a sample question involving number series:

Example Question #1


Which number comes next in the sequence?

0.1 , 0.4 , 0.9 , 1.6, 2.5 , __


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The correct answer is – 3.6


There are two ways to look at this series:


(1) The intervals increase by +0.2 in each step:


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2.5 + (0.9 + 0.2) = 2.5 + 1.1 = 3.6


(2) Another point of view:


   0.1,        0.4,        0.9,         1.6,         2.5         3.6

  12/10       22/10    32/10       42/10      52/10      62/10

The numerators are all to squares of natural number, starting with 1. Each step increases the natural number by one.

Tip- There are two approaches to addressing this inquiry, both emphasizing pattern recognition over extensive mathematical computations. This principle is applicable to all types of numerical questions, not just limited to number series questions, as exemplified earlier. In such instances, it is preferable to refrain from using a calculator, although it is permissible.

As you become acquainted with the patterns, hints, and strategies, this section becomes significantly more manageable, and with practice, you can attain perfection. Consequently, this will enhance your decision-making abilities and alleviate the stress associated with these tests, even if you lack prior knowledge.

Logiks Intermediate Abstract Reasoning Questions:

When it comes to patterns, the Abstract section exclusively focuses on them.

This aligns perfectly with your employer's objective of evaluating your cognitive ability to recognize patterns and draw accurate conclusions within this section.

The questions in this segment are referred to as "Next in series." Much like the number series questions you've encountered previously, your task is to identify the missing last element. You will have a total of 4 minutes to answer 10 of these questions in this section.

Let's take an example from our preparation pack. Examine the sequence of shapes from left to right, and diligently search for the underlying patterns that dictate what occurs in the subsequent steps. Then, use your findings to determine what comes next in the series:

Example Question #2

Which shape should come next in the series?

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The correct answer is - (E)

This question involves two triangles: one outer black and one inner white, each with its unique pattern.
The outer black triangle undergoes a 45° clockwise rotation in each step, while the inner white triangle undergoes a 90° clockwise rotation in every step.
The only option that aligns with this description is (E).

TipAs you continue to practice, you'll observe that certain principles are universally applicable to all abstract inquiries. In this particular question, rotation stands out as the specific guideline governing the two patterns. However, there are four additional principles that could also be relevant: Progression, Frequency, Construction, and Motion.

Feel Like You're Not Ready Yet?

You can enhance your preparation significantly by using our prep pack available on this page, where you can master all the principles related to abstract questions. By tackling numerous practice questions and becoming acquainted with the test format, you will greatly boost your readiness. This approach is highly effective for improving your odds of excelling in the Logiks assessment and securing a job offer.

Logiks Intermediate Verbal Reasoning Questions:

The Logiks intermediate verbal section comprises four question types:

1. Antonym questions: These require you to select the word that represents the opposite of a given word, such as "solemn" and "frivolous."

2. Syllogism questions: In this type, you'll receive several statements and must identify the correct logical conclusion derived from them.

3. Verbal analogies: You'll be presented with a pair of related words and must discern their relationship. Then, you'll be given a single word and asked to choose from the provided options a word that follows the same logical pattern, for instance, "clouds are to rain what volcanoes are to___?"

4. 'Odd-one-out': This type presents you with a set of words that share a common rule, and your task is to identify the word that deviates from that rule.

Let's examine an example of an "odd one out" question:

Example Question #3

Which one is the odd one out?

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The correct answer is - Noisy

Noisy is the sole adjective among these words, with the adjective describing the quality of producing disruptive audible sounds. Conversely, the remaining words are all nouns representing various types of noises.

How to Score High on Your Logiks General Intermediate Exam

Achieving a high score on the Logiks Intermediate test necessitates effective preparation. After a thorough analysis of Logiks tests, we have developed a three-step strategy to help you succeed:

Step 1 - Assess Your Current Level:

Following your initial Logiks Intermediate simulation, you will receive a comprehensive summary of your existing skills. This assessment will highlight your strengths and areas that require improvement. The simulation includes test-style practice questions and a time constraint to closely mimic the Logiks Intermediate test. For example, one test-taker excels in abstract reasoning but needs to enhance their verbal and numerical reasoning abilities.

Step 2 - Customize Your Practice:

Once you have completed the diagnostic test, you can delve into Logiks guides and implement the suggested methods and techniques. After applying these strategies, you can practice specific sections to target your weaknesses, enabling you to answer test questions more efficiently and accurately.

Step 3 - Complete Full-Length Simulations:

Finally, you will revisit the complete test simulations. This time, you are likely to observe improvements in your scores and time management skills. Moreover, engaging in full practice Logiks Intermediate tests will help reduce stress during the actual test. Keep in mind that other candidates may not be as prepared as you are, and they may struggle with the timed test format. Consequently, you can confidently expect to rank among the top percentile of test-takers.

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